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For Mediators

Step 3: Fill Out Your Application

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Mailing Address(Required)

In order to apply to become a member of the UACP, you must meet the following requirements. Please initial next to each requirement to indicate you have completed the requirement.

As a mediator, you can be a provisional member by completing requirements 1-3. To become a general member, you must complete requirements 4-6 within 24 months of your application approval in order to retain your membership in the UACP.

Max. file size: 5 MB.
Max. file size: 5 MB.
Max. file size: 5 MB.
Max. file size: 5 MB.
  • Interest-based negotiation training
  • Communication skills training
  • Collaborative training beyond minimum twelve hours of Initial Collaborative training
  • Advanced mediation training
  • Basic professional coach training
Max. file size: 5 MB.
  • Collaborative training
  • Interdisciplinary collaborative training
  • Mediation training
  • Interest-based negotiation training
  • Communication skills training
  • Basic professional coach training
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution training