Why Choose a
Collaborative Divorce?
Why Choose a
Collaborative Divorce?

Preserving Relationships
& a More Secure Future

Collaborative Family Law, for Divorce, Paternity, Child Custody, or the modification of existing orders can reduce the negative impact on children and community relationships and support of the family as a whole, by reducing the tension while the family changes into a new format and structure.
Because they are transparent between the sides of the disagreement, Collaborative cases help temper the negative feelings and the sensation of fighting is lessened in the family and for the community that supports the family going through transition.

A Legal Way
To Resolve Divorces
Collaborative Family Law is a legal and recognized way to resolve divorce or family law issues, with a team of trained professionals who help to reduce conflict while a family is going through divorce or custody arrangements. These professionals help come to agreements using a transparent process (with openly shared information between both sides) that removes the option of going to court and having a judge decide how your family will move forward.
Many attorneys are trained as Collaborative Professionals and can help families move through difficult transitions with reduced conflict and hostility, and put the needs of the family and children first.